Oushu Lin
Registered Music Therapist
(Australian Music Therapy Association, Num: 2585)
Oushu is a Registered Music Therapist with the Australian Music Therapy Association. Oushu has a diverse training background, having studied in the US, UK, and Finland. Oushu is passionate about how music can support building a healthier community in society. In Oushu's work as a Music Therapist, Oushu provides services to a wide range of populations, including children, teenagers, and the elderly. Oushu's goal is to leverage the power of music to enhance wellbeing and foster connections within the wider communities.
林欧枢澳洲注册音乐治疗师(注册号2585)芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学音乐治疗硕士星海音乐学院音乐学学士英国基尔大学教育 证书PGCE美国莫洛伊大学分析性音乐治疗师课程在研(2018-至今)振动声学疗法 Level 1国际音乐与医学协会会员(IAMM)林欧枢是澳大利亚音乐治疗协会注册的音乐治疗师。她拥有多元化的求学背景,曾在美国、英国和芬兰等国家进行音乐治疗的学习与进修。她热衷于探索音乐如何能帮助建立更健康的社区。在她的音乐治疗工作中,她为包括儿童、青少年和老年人等在内的各种群体提供服务。她的目标是利用音乐的力量增进人们的福祉,并在更广泛的社区中增进联系和加强纽带。
Professional Specialist
Brilliant Ideas
Professional Specialist
Brilliant Ideas
Precise Builders
24/7 Assiatance
Precise Builders
24/7 Assiatance
Master of Music Therapy University of Jyvaskyla Finland
PGCEi in Education, Keele University, UK.
Bachelor of Music, Xinghai Conservatory of Music.
Analytical Music Therapist Program in Progress, Molloy University, USA(2018-present)
Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) Level 1
Member of the International Association for Music and Medicine (IAMM)
What We Offer
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We Understand Requirements
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We Work Precisely
Sed sit amet sapien sit amet odio lobortis ullamcorper quis vel nisl. Nam blandit tristique.
We Deliver Best Output
Sed sit amet sapien sit amet odio lobortis ullamcorper quis vel nisl. Nam blandit tristique.
Our Expert Team
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Juan George
CEO/ Vice President
Emma Kelly
CEO/ Vice President
Sean Black
CEO/ Vice President